Esosa I

  • $34.00 - $39.00/hour
  • Bachelor's Degree
  • Background Check Completed On Feb 19, 2019

Hi my name is Esosa I. I have a bachelor of Science degree with a major in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. I enjoy learning and also being able to pass on the skills I have to others. Besides my science interest, I enjoy all sort of physical activities including, ranging from swimming, weightlifting, running, hiking, boxing, kickboxing and my all time favorite soccer!

Esosa Speaks the following languages:

English (Full Professional)

Esosa's relevant education:

Bachelor of Science - Grant MacEwan University

Esosa's availabilities:

Sundays between 8:00am and 6:15pm
Saturdays between 8:00am and 6:15pm

Tutor's the following subjects:

Biology 20 $36/hr (online)   Biology 30 $38/hr (online)   Chemistry 20 $34/hr (online)   Chemistry 30 $39/hr (online)  

Esosa Activity On Our Free Chat Board

On Feb 16, 2019 at 3:05pm, Esosa answered a question. On Feb 19, 2019 at 7:10pm, Esosa answered a question.

*No monthly commitment or contracts. Only on demand when you need it.
*Keep in mind that these are just general availabilities and does not account for sessions already booked during these times *Plans are a way that a tutor can offer bulk purchases of tutoring for deep discounts. If you plan on doing multiple sessions with tutors, we recommend choosing a plan.

Questions? Call us at (587) 316-1089