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#4.which of the following cells undergo mitosis? 

a). Epithelium cells 

b). Nerve cells

C). Red blood cells 

d). Stereocilia 

i think the answer is C red blood cells but im not sure. 

#5. in a cell cycle 

a). DNA and RNA are replicated and passed to parent cells during interphase 

b). DNA is replicated and passed to homologous chromosomes during interphase

c). DNA is replicated and passed to daughter cells during mitosis

d). DNA and RNA are replicated and passed to sister chromatids during miotic phase

i think the answer is b but im not sure

#6. when analyzing a normal human male karyotype, all of the chromosomes can be stored into homologous pairs EXCEPT: a). autosomal chromosome number 18. b). sex chromosomes. c). chromosome pair number 21. d). X chromosomes. I think the answer is D but again i am not 100% sure. 

#7. which of the following statements does NOT correctly desciribe the characterisitics of homologous chromosome? a). the size and shape of the chromosomes are the same. b). they contain the same genes. c). they contain identical alleles. d).they have centromeres located at the same spot.

#9. Autosomal homologous chromosomes: a). are all the same size but different shape. b). are joined at the centromere. c). have identical gene locations and alleles. d). consists of a copy of the parental and maternal chromosome.

#18. Identify the main phases of interphase in the correct order: a). growth, mitosis and cytokinesis. b). growth and synthesis. c). growth, synthesis and mitosis. d). growth 1, synethsis, growth 2. I think the answer is d. But again im not sure. 

Hi there, the reason why i decided to post all of the questions that i have is becasue i am unable to post more than 1 post for some odd reason. I also posted a question last night and no one got back with me. Please get back with me today. Thank you and have a good day! 

6 years ago

Answered By Dexter M

Hi Aliya, here are the solutions to your questions and a description to why the answer's are correct.

#4 The answer would be A, epithilial cells. As you know, Epithelial cells are tightly packed and form continous sheets. Their function is to provide protection which is why our skin and organs are made up of these cells. For example, if you were to get a paper cut, what is really happening? Since the cut is open to bacteria and the outside world, it requires fast growth to prevent further infection using mitosis.

#5 The question is worded weirdly, but I believe what they are aiming for is answer B. The main purpose of interphase is to synthesize DNA and materials to prepare for mitosis, so it elimnates answers c) and d). The DNA replicates and duplicates the Homologous chromosomes allowing for mitosis to take place and divide into two daughter cells. The answer is B.

#6 d) Yes, you would be correct by stating that D is the right answer. Since the question states that we are looking at the homologous chromosomes of a "male" human, there can not be a pair of X chromosomes.

#7 Homologous chromosomes have the same genes but have different alleles. This means that the alleles will be different from one another, so C is the right answer.

#9 The correct answer will be D because each pair of autosomal homologous chromosomes have a copy of maternal and paternal* chromosomes. When fertilization occurs, the male sperm supplies 23 paternal chromosomes and the egg is made with 23 maternal chromosomes. Question b) would be wrong because the homologous pairs of chromosomes are organized at the centromere during mitosis, then pulled apart from one another by the spindles, not joined together.

#18 Answers a) and c) can be eliminated to begin with because interphase does not include mitosis nor cytokinesis. b) is not the right answer either because growth occurs, but DNA synthesis does not occur for the enirety of interphase. In this case, you are right that D is the right answer because growth 1 occurs, then synthesis, following growth 2. DNA synthesis only occurs in the S phase which is why it must be between growth 1 & 2 to be valid.

Hopefully this helps. Have a great day! :)