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how is voter turn out a challange to democracy and therefor liberal principles 

4 years ago

Answered By Luv S

Voter turnout only acknowledges the eligible number of voters that cast a ballot in democracy. A democracy instills the idea that everybody (eligible) is allowed to vote, however voter turnout is often much lower than the general population. As for liberal principles, this may be a challenge in terms of universal suffrage, etc.

4 years ago

Answered By Asa S

The best definition of democracy is a government for the people by the people. In terms of the principles of liberal democracy which places separation of powers, an independent judiciary, and a system of checks and balances between branches of government. However, the electoral turnout for the country could severely challenge democracy and its liberal principles.

For example, the United States of America, the leader of democracy, for the past 14 elections averaged 55% in voter turn out. Therefore, if the winner of these elections securing around 51% of the vote to win would have only represented the will of only 23% of the population, and yet the winner will government 100% of the eligible voters.  In addition, winning the government the winner will be entitled to appoint important judiciary positions and put executive orders into legislation as well as veto any legislation coming from other branches of government. The entire direction of the country may move in the direction of polar opposition to the majority's will. Disregarding the arguments of reasons for voter turnout the core tenets of democracy are subverted if those who are eligible to vote do not make their vote count in the election process by turning out to vote.