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Lodgepole pines of North America are affected by which biotic factors?
Select one:
a. Warm dry summers and cold wet winters
b. Cold wet winters and pine beetles
c. Pine beetles and fungus
d. Fires and fungus

3 years ago

Answered By Dhruvin P

Pine bettles are the most common patastie to the Lodgepole pines. lt beetles bore through the thin bark to lay eggs and deposit a fungus carried on their bodies. The larvae live in and feed on the bark during the winter, as does the fungus. The bark damage usually kills the host tree, although sustained temperatures of –25 °C during the early fall or late spring or temperatures of –40 °C during winter can kill the larvae. Infestations usually last 5 to 7 years and happen in 20- to 40-year cycles.

3 years ago

Answered By Madison L

The key phrase to consider in this questions is the words 'biotic factors' which means living things