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Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the immunological incompatibility between mother and baby?
Select one:
If the baby is Rh+ and the mother is Rh–, it does not pose a problem as long as this is the mother’s first pregnancy.
The baby’s Rh+ blood will never get in contact with the mother’s Rh– blood during the pregnancy as the placenta does not allow fetal blood cells to mix with the maternal blood.
 When the mother has Rh– blood, anti-Rh antibody injection is given during her pregnancy to prevent any antibodies from forming.
 Rh– blood has no rhesus factor proteins and therefore will produce antibodies for the Rh factor when exposed to Rh+ blood.
What is the difference between in vitro fertilization (IVF)and artificial insemination?
Select one:
 During IVF, gametes are introduced into the womb, whereas during artificial insemination, a blastocyst is implanted on the uterus.
 Artificial insemination can be used during a surrogacy, whereas IVF cannot.
IVF includes giving the woman additional FSH and LH to induce superovulation, whereas artificial insemination involves a woman undergoing any hormonal treatment.
 IVF involves fertilization outside the body, whereas artificial insemination involves internal fertilization.

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