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How did nationalism lead to world war 1

7 years ago

Answered By Shanthos T

Serbian nationalism helped spark the outbreak of WW1. The people of Serbia wanted to have an identity of their own and no longer wanted to be apart of the Austria –Hungarian empire. A group of Serbian nationalists, called the Black Hand wanted to liberate the Slavs and gain independence from the Austrian Empire and its dominance over Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia. 

 To seek the attention of the Austrian government and to give a statement that they wanted their own independence, Black Hand decided to  assassinate the archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand.  Approximately one year after the assassination, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. This caused a series of chain reactions, in which countries decided to either  side with Austria-Hungary or Serbia and declaring war on one another. This ultimately led to the unfolding of WW1.

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