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7 years ago

Answered By Becky L

1st step is to find DA:

Look at the triangle DGA

tan = opp./adj.

tan (35 degrees) = 20/DA

tan (35 degrees)/1 = 20/DA

DA x tan (35 degrees) = 20

DA = 20/tan (35 degrees)

DA = 28.56 cm

2nd step is to find EA:

Look at the triangle DEA

tan = opp./adj.

tan (10 degrees + 35 degrees) = EA/DA

tan (45 degrees) = EA/28.56

tan (45 degrees)/1 = EA/28.56

EA = 28.56 x tan (45 degrees)

EA = 28.56 cm

EG = EA - GA

EG = 28.56 - 20

EG = 8.56 cm


7 years ago

Answered By Negar S

Let's find AD first, if we find AD then we can find EA..from that we have EG.






Now it is EA Turn :

Tan(45) = EA/AD

EA=AD. Tan(45)



( we should know that before calulcation since there are two equal angle in the traingle that means two sides are equal. )

EG=EA-AG = 8.6