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Displaying 1-10 of 18 results.

what is the volume for diamter 14.6 and Height 16.8

Posted 7 years ago by Dazzle in Math 10C | 5 answers
#volume of cylinder 

find the side length of the right triangle

Posted 7 years ago by Dazzle in Math 10C | 7 answers

Given that cosB=0.4612,, what is the value of B to the nearest of a degree? 

Posted 7 years ago by Dazzle in Math 10C | 7 answers

Find EG

Posted 7 years ago by Dazzle in Math 10C | 2 answers


Posted 7 years ago by mackd101 in Math 10C | 2 answers



Posted 7 years ago by mackd101 in Math 10C | 2 answers


use distributive property

Posted 7 years ago by mackd101 in Math 10C | 1 answers

Given that 3^10 = 59,049, what is 3^-10 expressed as an exact value?

Posted 6 years ago by Royalred1000 in Math 10C | 3 answers
#exponent laws